As The Summer Sun Slowly Sets…

High-five for alliteration. WOO!

In approximately 6 days I will be starting the last first day of school of my undergrad – very likely the last first day of my UBC educational career. “How do you feel about that?” 😐 sighs for days.
I love UBC, and from all my past posts, especially from my first and second year, one can tell that I absolutely love this place. I looked up the hashtag UBC on Instagram and feelings of nostalgia is what I drowned in when I saw the results. First years with pictures of their student cards all excited to start their university careers…and I’m all “take me back”. First year was wonderful, all the hype and excitement, I could bring that all back up again if I wanted to. Starting fourth year on the other hand has a different kind of “excitement” boiling up in me. To be honest, I just feel old. Feelings of “been there, done that” surround me constantly, but no, I still have so much more to experience and I have approximately 8 months to immerse myself in the unknowns I have yet to know. #UBCbucketlist

Now that school starts in less than a week, the campus is starting to buzz again, people actually exist…this is a slow preparation for when classes actually start and you have to maze your way through 100s and 100s of students going in every which way – something I am NOT looking forward to, but that hustle and bustle on Main Mall by the fountain in between each class, that’s one of the things that make UBC what it is, “a place of mind.” Oh, the irony.

Places to avoid for the next three weeks if you don’t want to get trampled on: Bookstore + SUB and its vicinities. 

Three Years Later, Now We Here.

Yes. Exactly three years ago, to the hour, I was going through random UBC blogs(UBC Blog Squad blogs as well as regular WordPress blogs of UBC students) and came across Carly Wong’s first blog – how many blogs does a girl need? (but go check out this one while you’re at it.. ) …because what other method of procrastination did a soon to be first year UBC student have? Especially when they should have been studying for their Biology 12 Provincial Exam? And to procrastinate even more, that 12th grader decided to start her OWN blog – whoa. Then this happened. 
I know I haven’t been blogging very much, but regardless of that, I’ve been getting lots of questions on here from soon to be first years and I’m extremely happy that I am able to pass on my knowledge to you all! 🙂 It’s like reliving my pre-first year excitement. Which makes me move onto my next point….I’m going into fourth year. HA HA ha…ha..wait what. That’s some scary stuff right there, so I refuse to delve deeper into that topic, I’m still a bit touchy about it, so I have nothing more to say about that at this current moment.

As per always(is that even a proper phrase? I don’t know, but we’ll go with it), I do have the intention of blogging more frequently, it just isn’t happening apparently…..but the busyness that is life has died down a tad bit as of today, so maybe I will get back onto that…, peace.

Third Year Overview, When I Grow Up.

Now that it’s summer, I figured I should probably make a post on here….since last month was completely hectic. One may think that they have an excellent exam schedule….until they realize how much time they’ve wasted, resulting in very little time to study, hence the solution is to cram and study like you’ve never studied before. BUT, sometimes, that cramming thing actually works because you’re so determined and desperate to do well on your finals. And sometimes, you think you know nothing, but apparently all that cramming you did transferred useful information into your head, which translated in actually knowing things for your finals. Check please.  My week of finals in a nutshell = a drunk blur (substituting alcohol with academic knowledge stuff). I don’t remember much except for pages and pages of notes and countless hours spent in pseudo-solitude…because it got to a point where all my friends were done with their exams and I was still going…(that was slightly depressing). 

ENOUGH of that. 
It’s summer, and I’m enjoying every minute of doing nothing related to school – although that won’t be lasting for too long since I’m doing summer school, because I just LOVE school that much and CANNOT get enough of it. *mylife* 
I’m more excited than one would expect me to be, about the World Cup – yes, I actually watch soccer, be surprised. 

I can’t believe that I’m actually done third year…this is mind blowing. Who knew I would make it this far, not me. It’s weird to me to think  that just 3 years ago, I was still in grade 12….’ready’ to graduate from high school and ready to enter a new chapter of my life that would be called UBC. Now in approximately one year, I will be graduating from UBC – WWHHHAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!? I’m not even ready to talk about that. Be warned all you future first years, your undergrad goes by at the speed of light.
I can hands down say that this was probably one of the best years of my undergrad(apart from first year…really wasn’t too fond of second year, it was okay). This year was a year of learning and independence. This year gave me a sense of  purpose I hadn’t felt before and shaped me as a person through experiences and the people I chose to surround myself with. Second term of this year was probably my favourite, I got closer to a lot of people and met lots of new people that I was really able to connect with on many levels – people that would be with me as I progressed. I think I matured a lot this past year, and well, maturing is a great thing in life – makes you feel old, but it’s real. As a result, my way of thinking has evolved and the way I approach situations and circumstances has also changed. It has allowed me to gain a broader perspective on life(actually), and actually apply the knowledge I’ve gained through various interactions. I hate to say this, but I almost feel like an adult…it’s weird. Looking back since I graduated high school when I was basically a ‘kid’, it boggles me how much I’ve changed as a person. Seventeen year old me and twenty year old me are NOT the same. We may ‘look’ the same, but we do not ‘think’ the same  – experience changes people, and it’s weird, but in a cool way. Experience allows you to let go of people that probably shouldn’t stay in your life, and hold on to the ones that do belong by your side.

First Week..Fresh Start..

How I would describe the first week back: ‘meh’. There wasn’t enough excitement.
I’m not entirely sure what it was, but this first week of term seemed rather unsatisfying….almost disorganized in a way – taking notes in class was a struggle, no motivation, my brain’s still on vacation. I’m positive the never ending rain has SOMETHING to do with it. I don’t quite know how I feel about my classes yet..I think I need to get used to them, not the content itself but the actual environment of my classes.  It bothers me how I can’t pinpoint what exactly is ‘off’…but maybe it’ll get better. I’m rather surprised that I’m actually getting to my morning classes ON TIME, if not earlier *shocking* – I think I’ve halved the amount of time it takes for me to get ready in the morning, less dillydallying.

Tips for future students, especially incoming first years, DO NOT buy books for second term at the end of August/beginning of September from older students… WAIT for your booklists to come out in late December. Why? Because SEVERAL first years this year bought the ‘General Chemistry’ textbook for Chem 123 at the beginning of the school year….and now they’ve realized that that book is of no good for them as the Chem department decided to use a brand new book! Lesson learned? I sure hope so.

Start All Over Like It’s The First Day of Our Lives

This apparently motivates me while I’m studying. Start off the new school year right, ‘cuz we’re going to own it.
“And then suddenly it hit me. That moment you realize you’re not half empty. That moment of all moments- like there is music in the night and we can dance the sun out of the sky. These are the nights where everything feels possible. 

Maybe one day we’ll fall short of the stories we tell, but tonight we are more than just words on a page. We are here, we are different, and we are everlasting. 

We are Half Moon Kids. We are Legendary. “


Here’s another one of those “I have too many things to do and not enough time to do them/pet peevish” rants. Firstly, I REEEAAALLLY need to get a new student current one is embarrassingly ghetto looking, I don’t even know HOW, it’s just always looked like that. Secondly, getting put on hold with that crazy classical music when I’m in a hurry, not acceptable, especially when it’s supposed to be something quick. Disorganized people, can’t handle that. I need to get my computer fixed, broken computer = can’t deal with that for extensive periods of time. I have too many appointments to book before I leave for UBC, do I even have time for that. I need to shop, desperately. I also need to get some proper sleep, or else I will continue to be crabby and agitated. Can I get a personal assistant to help me life, please.

UBC residence assignments pep chat.

Clearly room assignments have been released, because the Class of 2017 Facebook group blew up. I’m watching yous. 😉 And of course the questions arise – “Can we switch rooms?” “What’s Totem like?” “What’s Vanier like?” “What’re the new Totem houses like?” “Which residence is better?” “What are the pros and cons?” ETC ETC. It’s awesome that you are all so eager and anxious to find out what your rooms and residences are like, but the main thing is, everyone’s residence experience is DIFFERENT!!! It’s what YOU make of it! You might hear other older students saying that _____ was so awesome and it’s the place to live…but that’s based on THEIR experience, just because you didn’t get assigned there doesn’t mean that your experience is going to suck. But in saying that, you ARE able to switch out if you’re not content with your current assignment(not that you really have that great of an idea as to what it’s like to live in your given assignments :S). Keep in mind that when you have found someone to switch with, make sure they’re the same gender as you, and then email UBC regarding the switch, because they do actually need to know. All of the vanier houses have shared bathrooms on each floor, as do totem houses except for the two new houses which have connecting shared bathrooms between two units or private bathrooms. Feel free to leave questions below and be sure to check out my other posts regarding UBC residences, but keep in mind that those are all purely MY opinions. #alwaysreppinvanier

Just A Humble Request

Sooo…I kinda like One Direction, and think this video is just fabulous. I mean, put 5 attractive British guys that can sing(yes, they have talent…shocking!!) into a music video, what’s not to love? Please, can I just be in one of their music videos? Just a casual question that I doubt any other girl has ever asked and pondered upon, ya know? So if someone wants to like, you know, make some kind of global petition sorta thing saying that they support my involvement in the next One Direction music video, and then make One Direction aware of it(you know, tweet them each a few thousand times, something of the sort 😉 ), I’d be so cool with that, I’d even write you a personalized 5 page letter in appreciation, and maybe even throw in a Starbucks gift card or something of the sort. Sound good? I thought so. 😉 

That Just Ain’t Cool

One thing that drives me absolutely crazy is when people that have no idea about something just go on a tangent about it acting as though they know everything when it’s clear that they don’t, and when you try to correct them, it’s like world war three. Geeeeezzzz, own up to the fact that you’re sitting there in your puddle of wrongness drowning in all that wrong rubbish, and let people that know the facts set you straight. Seriously though, I only care enough to correct you because I’m trying to prevent you from making a fool out of yourself, but if that kind of fool is what you want to be, don’t mind me.